What is Coenzyme Q10?

14 April 2023  |  Admin

Coenzyme Q10 is the body’s ‘spark plug’, found in every cell. The body needs it to help the energy-producing structures within cells to convert nutrients into energy. It is also a potent antioxidant.

Only around 25% of CoQ10 is provided by diet – the rest is made within the body via the liver. As we get older, our natural ability to produce CoQ10 decreases, reducing our energy reserves at the cellular level. This decline starts in our mid 20s, which is why many health professionals recommend a quality CoQ10 supplement to top up our CoQ10 levels.

Low levels of CoQ10 are connected with many health problems including cardiovascular and immune system disorders.

If looking to purchase a Q10 supplement, its best to look for Q10 that has been naturally fermented. This method results in a cleaner more potent configuration Co Q10 which is in line with naturally occurring Co Q10 found in food. Silvertown Health Q10 Natural Plus is (ubiquinone) in a natural food state with added vitamin B6, B12 and magnesium.